By integrating your Mobile Device Management software (MDM), your Volume Purchasing (VPP), and hardware procurement through GatorTec, you can enjoy true zero-touch device configuration, automatic app deployment, and a simplified setup experience.

What is DEP?

The Apple Device Enrolment Program (DEP) is a ‘zero touch’ service from Apple that helps businesses and education institutions easily deploy and manage iPad, iPhone and Mac devices.

Zero-touch configuration for IT 

DEP simplifies initial setup by automating mobile device management (MDM) enrolment and supervision of devices during setup, and enabling you to configure the devices without touching them. You can immediately configure account settings, apps, and access to IT services over the air. There’s no need for staging services, and no need for you to physically access each device to complete the setup. To further simplify the process, you can skip certain Setup Assistant screens so users can start using their devices right out of the box. 

How does DEP work?

DEP works by applying MDM settings to your devices automatically during setup when they’re first turned on, simplifying the process for IT and end-users. When you buy a new device for your business or school, you can enroll your devices into the DEP and they’ll automatically have the correct MDM profile and permissions installed when they are first switched on. This means your devices are ready for you to deploy and distribute straight away.

How does it work with MDM?

To use DEP with your MDM solution you need to register your MDM server with Apple so that their servers will remember the configurations you like to deploy to your different types of users. Apple will apply the setup you specified automatically through DEP when you turn the device on for the first time – meaning you wont have to apply the same settings and restrictions every time you get a new device or reload the operating system on an existing one. In the event of a device being restored remotely, the system will always revert to the settings established by the MDM, locking the device permanently to those settings. You can also lock users’ devices in MDM for ongoing management. 

What if I don’t have an MDM solution?

DEP will simplify your device deployments, but requires MDM to work. If you do not currently have an MDM solution in place, we can provide you with an MDM solution to meet your needs. Please call our business team at 352.505.9088 or click here to send us an email.

To set up your DEP account and
enroll your devices click here.

Our GatorTec Reseller ID is 5559440.